Development Policy Foundation offers support for democratization, development in fragile, outlaying, post and conflict-prone areas, sharing Polish transformation experiences (economic, social, environmental, both urban and rural) in tangible, result oriented and participatory way. We assist small and non-metropolitan local authorities, civil society and non-governmental organizations in achieving long-term sustainability of undertaken by them actions with the range of methods including public consultations, community empowerment via joint public space renewal, urban rapid actions, intra-community dialog, praxis social entrepreneurship.
Development Policy Foundation’s contribution to development and peace building comes through targeted development projects in post conflict, poor, and politically marginalized areas (often inhabited by minority groups e.g. Chin in Myanmar) and destitute communities, as well as countries in economic and political transition and beyond. We work for inclusive, harmonious communities with their basic necessities met. Moreover, Development Policy Foundation implements cross-sectoral local partnerships bringing together representatives of regional and local authorities, civil society and non-governmental organizations and local business.
Our work is guided by certain beliefs about how the Foundation will achieve the most good for the greatest number of local communities and grass-root institutions reducing poverty, advancing socially and environmentally sustainable growth, promoting good governance, community empowerment, transparency, narrowing the development gaps, emphasizing U-R divide and disseminating solutions and pursuing development policy awareness in Poland, the EU and beyond. Our operational principle is joint share a work, risks and rewards.
Foundation’s activities encompass:
- actions for the development of civil society, human rights, self-governance and subjectivity of regional and local groups and communities,
- actions for the economic growth and raising of the quality of life (environmental wellness, social and health well-being), especially in marginalized and socially or economically disadvantaged regions and communities,
- actions for improvement of socio-economic situation in Poland, in the European Union and in the developing countries and countries undergoing the process of political transformation and socio-economic modernization,
- actions for the sustainable development, especially of the degraded but environmentally valuable areas and for the benefit of economically and socially disadvantaged groups and communities, including strategies based on the promotion and development of sustainable tourism,
- promoting equal and open participation in cultural and public life and influence on its development by all social groups, in particular young people and disadvantaged communities,
- actions to improve the quality of education, including dissemination of non-formal and informal education,
- actions to promote the methods of amicable settlement of disputes, in particular with the use of mediation, including business mediation,
- supporting non-governmental organizations, regional and local authorities in the process of democratic and economic modernization,
- supporting democratic and transparent decision-making processes at the central, regional and local levels,
dissemination of knowledge about development policy and aid, contributing to increase in its effectiveness and supporting reflection and debate on international politics, especially the foreign policy of the Republic of Poland and the European Union, - actions to promote the position of the Republic of Poland and the European Union in the global international system,
- supporting and promoting volunteering,
- supporting international and cross-border cooperation at the central, regional and local levels.
The Foundation accomplishes its goals through:
- creating, developing and providing analyzes, publications, research on development policy, economy and sustainable development,
- creating and sharing databases,
- supporting non-governmental organizations and local authorities in the effective use of development assistance available to them,
- cooperation with individuals, domestic and foreign institutions operating in the field covered by the Foundation’s activities,
- cooperation with universities, central, regional and local authorities, non-governmental organizations, both in Poland and abroad,
- cooperation with the media to promote issues of development policy and sustainable development,
organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, training and study visits, - granting scholarships and organizing internships for both Polish beneficiaries and those coming from the developing countries.
Development Policy Foundation’s Statute in English:
Development Policy Foundation’s annual reports in English:
Development Policy Foundation’s financial reports and statements in English:
- DPF’s financial report 2015
- DPF’s financial report 2016
- DPF’s financial report 2017
- DPFs financial statement 2017
- DPFs financial statement 2018
- DPFs financial statement 2019
- DPFs financial statement 2020
- DPFs financial statement 2021
Auditor’s reports: