Lakes, ponds and reservoirs can provide water for drinking, irrigation, recreation, fish, generating natural and cultural values and other ecosystem services. In Moldova, tourism around lakes and ponds is of high local and regional economic importance. La Nihalcea pond, although having most of mentioned potential, was until recently ignored, mostly due to financial constraints. The V shaped pond is one of several ponds in the neighborhood with the best access from the paved road. It is located near the Olanesti town, Ştefan Voda district. The area is a part of Ramsar “Lower Dniester” .

The present state of La Nihalcea reservoir is affected by a number of factors. During summers water becomes murky and taken by vegetation, which leads to partial dry out of the water. The quality of water is under pressure from agriculture and other diffuse sources (phosphates, nitrates etc.). Changes that are now seasonal, will eventually result in reduction of the pond size thus reduction of wildlife (including diversity).

Over the span of 16 months (March 2019 through June 2020), the La Nihalcea project aims at improving ecological situation of the pond, together with raising its eco-touristic attractiveness. The goal will be accomplished through restoration of La Nihalcea and construction of recreational facilities in the area.

Project is implemented by Purcari Development Fund, Et Cetera winery, FarmProd LTD with a generous support from Global Environmental Facility: GEF/UNDP.