FIXKAIROUAN TUN: Civil e-monitoring – A way to community empowerment using modern Internet tools

In frame of the project implemented in the city of Kairouan in Tunisia by Press Club Foundation and financed by polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of ‘Support for Democracy 2013’ programme a website based on Fix-my-street formula was created as an interactive map that allows the users to mark detected in your neighbourhood problems of public space that needed to be fixed – holes in the road, demolished buildings, garbage, etc.

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Compact Energy Efficiency Booster MD: The integrated biomass boiler and energy storage for Moldova

Modernizing Crocmaz Health Center: A Biomass Boiler for Sustainable and Affordable Energy for Rural Moldova

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People Friendly Cities of Poland

The „People Friendly Cities of Poland” project promotes Poland as a hospitable and self-governing nation by presenting a compelling narrative about contemporary Polish cities in the public space of Walvis Bay, Namibia. This narrative revolves around the triad of transformation, innovation, and newcomers, aiming to share Poland’s urban evolution with a diverse audience. A unique, interactive, three-dimensional typhlographic installation will be created on the city promenade of Walvis Bay, making it accessible to the visually impaired. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland under “Public Diplomacy 2024” track.

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B-Prepared: Localized scenario-based serious games for emergency preparedness

Development Policy Foundation is glad to support the Municipality of Ustka in development of scenario for VR and AI based „emergency preparedness serious game”, designed to train the people and the emergency professionals on how to react in the event of man-made or natural disaster. The baseline scenario takes stock of localized climate change challenges of mutually compounding events of a king storm tide at the Baltic Sea, a back-flow at Slupia river, combined with the flash flooding within its basin. 

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Fortesie — kontrakty Smart Performance zasilane CBDC w celu wydajnego, zrównoważonego, integracyjnego wykorzystania energii

Fundacja Polityki Rozwojowej z dumą facylituje i usprawnia Projekt Fortesie realizowany przez Górę Kalwarię i biuro architektoniczne „+48”. Ogólna wizja FORTESIE polega na projektowaniu, demonstrowaniu, weryfikowaniu i powielaniu innowacyjnych pakietów renowacyjnych branży budowlanej dzięki inteligentnym gwarancjom i finansowaniu opartym na wydajności, mającym na celu efektywne, zrównoważone i sprzyjające inkluzywnemu wykorzystaniu energii (ESIE) w celu przyspieszenia fali renowacyjnej w Europie. Pakiet renowacyjny, który ma zostać wprowadzony w Polsce, a dokładniej w Górze Kalwarii, dotyczy modernizacji basenu, aby był bardziej energooszczędny. Projekt ten otrzymał dofinansowanie z unijnego programu badań i innowacji Horizon Europe.

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Moldovan 3G: Nowatorski Integrator Energii Hybrydowej

This project seeks to transfer and pilot a smart, adjustable, and hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub: DROMADER 3G® produced by a Polish Company Markoterm. Solar collectors systems will be integrated with the existing 24 kw gas stove. The system that will be implemented provides a straightforward, reasonably priced, and energy-efficient way to encourage the Republic of Moldova to utilize green energy technologies. Solar energy collectors, a small energy buffer, an integrator and a heat pump will be installed in Primaria Antonesti (Antonesti Municipality) in the Republic of Moldova. This project is supported by the Development Policy Foundation (know-how/expertise/founders of the project idea), the United Nations Development Programme – UNDP, Makroterm, UNDP in Europe and Central Asia, Polish Challenge Fund, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, and Eco Fabrica SRL.

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SEEDiA – klucz do inteligentnych, miejskich rozwiązań w Mołdawii

This project aims to facilitate the transfer, promotion and market expansion of genuinely Polish renewable energy sources, accessible, easily adjusted products. This is to be achieved by the pilot implementation of SEEDiA's Smart public furniture – a Bus Shelter in Stefan Voda, a city in Moldova. This pilot takes place on the main square of Stefan Voda – a central location of the city allowing maximized outreach. The project implementation course features also a workshop and a webinar: educating on local spatial planning & sustainable development. The project is financed by the UNDP within the Polish Challenge Fund Programme and it contributes to the goals of the UNDP Country Office in the Republic of Moldova.

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Causeni Agri-Hub: Community Cooling and Processing Infrastructure

The goal of the project is to boost economic growth and stimulate sustainable job creation in Causeni and throughout SE Moldova. To this end, a smart, energy-effective, multi-functional cool storage will be provided to the communities of Causeni of Moldova. The facility will allow local farmers and agro-entrepreneurs to cool, store and pack their produce, accessing the markets and customers, adding to their income and its sustainability. The project is financed by the European Union – EuropeAid Programme, under Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) facility. Development Policy Foundation designed and developed the project idea and stands as a chief know-how provider.

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The Local Produce of Moldova: BikeandWine.MD Reloaded

The project supports rural income diversification, promoting local produce, their value chains and boosting the tourist potential of Purcari zone of South Eastern Moldova. A gourmand pavilion was established and opened in Antonesti, on a side of R30, the Chisinau-Odessa highway. The multi-functional premise serves as the local gourmand & wellness produce shop, the local bistro & cafe, the open community space, hosting wine-tasting and food-lovers get-together, further the tourist information, providing visitors with a bike rental and tourist with guidance on what to see and try.

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The Fruit Trailer: A Mobile Cold Press Juice Line for Moldova

The project aims to shorten supply and value chains and boost productivity and income of small orchard holders through South-East of Moldova, providing a buffer cushion for seasonal demand and mirroring supply fluctuations, further supporting sustainable landscape management and biodiversity conservation: protecting the traditional orchard and the associated ecosystem services throughout the Lower Dniester of Moldova.The project provides the rural communities of South East Moldova with a mobile cold fresh juice pressing line, the very first of a kind in the country.

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Erongo Sustainable Governance LAB: Participatory urban governance for resilient, safe and inclusive multifunctional public spaces in Namibia

The project promotes smart, participatory integrated urban development through peer partnership among EU and Namibian urban LAs, advancing sustainable urban management praxis in line with AGENDA 2030 & COVID-19 challenges to urban development. The action will set an integrated model of inclusive, sustainable, circular, resilient management of fish & green markets and adjacent multi-functional public spaces in Walvis Bay. Project is funded by the EU within the Europe-aid grant scheme.

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Ukrainian 3G: Cutting-Edge, Scalable Hybrid Energy Integrator & Storage Hub for Public Facilities in Ukraine

Polish Challenge Fund has the objective to facilitate the transfer of the Polish know-how, technology, and innovative solutions in the area of green technologies and ICT to partner countries of Polish Aid such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The transfer is to help to address complex development challenges in those countries while contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Implemented by Makroterm and Kharkiv Energy Cluster, the project will provide energy-efficient heating & cooling and hot water for public and private facilities in Ukraine.

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City for People: Polish Design and Technologies for Quality Public Spaces in Turkey

City 4 People: the plywood plaques expo at Cukurova Teknokent in Adana, TR and a series of podcasts online, explore the philosophical legacy of Stanisław Lem, his futuristic vision of a hyper-intelligent city, and Polish smart urban innovations. The project, implemented by Development Policy Foundation, was co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Public Diplomacy 2021 facility. It is also a part of Poland’s campaign commemorating the 100th anniversary of Stanisław Lem’s birthday.

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PROTE-MOS: Ecosystem Neutral Excess Sludge Minimization Tech for Moldova

Supported by the Polish Challenge Fund, this project will be implemented in Moldova from October 2021 to September 2022. The project will bring substantial financial savings to local wastewater treatment plants’ owners and operators stemming from the reduction of the amount of sewage sludge, and a mirroring cut in operational expenses of the WWTPs, as well as environmental benefits resulting from the improvement of the quality of effluent and reduced WWTP’s negative impact on the environment, including lower power consumption and reduced carbon footprint. 

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A Sustainable Urban Marketplace: Participatory urban governance for safe, green and inclusive fresh market management in Indonesia

The project aiming to strengthen urban governance, ensure social inclusiveness of cities improvement of resilience and greening of cities and promote prosperity and innovation in cities: all through pilot of practices-oriented, competitive, and cross-sectoral green urban management capacity-building program, followed by full cycle of inclusive, urban participatory co-design process, delivery of smart consultative formulas and tool-kits, and further provision of technical assistance in donor’s oriented fundraising, tendering and project management and incubating the new urban actions, that integrate the transferred EU know-how and pilot lessons learnt.

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Farm to Fork Academy: V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania

The project “Farm to Fork Academy: V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania” aims to support biodiversity, protect, and promote circular economy models among Albanian small farmers by creating a group of local leaders, tutored during capacity building training programme and followed by execution of pilots based on best idea proposals developed with V4 experts support. Project is supported by International Visegrad Fund and CEI.

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Smart Water & Wetlands: Establishment and triggering of Baltic + Eastern Partnership Network for Local Water Governance

The project feeds a lasting and sustainable LA&NGOs network of Baltic/EU and EaP countries, to share experiences, best practices and policy tool-kits for tangible, locally-focused environmental acquis implementation. Smart Water & Wetlands project is supported by Swedish Institute/ Svenska Institutet.

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Public Diplomacy 2020: New Dimension

Project promotes Polish experiences and good practices on EU membership driven modernization of agriculture sector and transformation of rural areas, offering praxis insights into effective use of EU funds by rural micro-entrepreneurs, NGOs/CSOs and Polish farmers, to inspire rural stakeholders from the Western Balkans to draw on the presented solutions in their countries. Project is co-financed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

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Farmers4Climate: ON-FARM CLIMATE RESILIENCE ACADEMY for Armenia aims to increase young Armenian farmers’ climate change resilience transferring and piloting Visegard 4 micro-scale and cost-effective know-how on-farms climate change adaptation through a capacity building training programme, run in a project incubator formula, followed by piloting the best praxis technology & adjustment solutions at right the farms. Project is supported by International Visegrad Fund.

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V4 for smart and competitive rural SMEs in Georgia

V4 for smart and competitive rural SMEs in Georgia is a project supported by International Visegrad Fund. The action excels smart, social impact oriented, food & wine & rural tourism value chains in Kakheti, Georgia. The project draws on V4 expertise, boosting competitiveness, profits and export potential of Georgian rural start-ups and MSMEs.

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CIRCULAR FARM IMPACT LAB V4 for AZ helps young talented Azeri framers, agro-entrepreneurs and agri-start-uppers to turn agriculture and on-farm waste into a new product. The project is being supported by International Visegard Fund.

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Smaki Białorusi: innowacyjne produkty turystyczne sposobem na wszechstronny rozwój przedsiębiorczości wiejskiej

„Tastes of Belarus: Innovatory Culinary Tourism a Stimulus for Rural Entrepreneurship” is a project with the goal to support rural micro-entrepreneurship in northwestern Belarus – by creating and promoting a „foodie-soft adventure” network product – rural sightseeing tourism: culinary-cycling.

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Restoration of the La Nihalcea Area for the Preservation of Biodiversity and the Strengthening the Ecotourism Potential

The La Nihalcea project aims at improving ecological situation of the pond, together with raising its eco-touristic attractiveness. The goal will be accomplished through restoration of La Nihalcea and construction of recreational facilities in the area.

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YOUTH URBAN ACTION LAB: Inclusion of Disadvantaged Youth into Civil Society Dialogue via Participatory Public Space Decision Making Schemes

Youth Urban Action Lab aims at restoring disadvantaged youth’s trust in policy making through providing an innovative consultation formula, building capacity of local CSOs, disfranchised leaders and local authorities to better represent the needs of disadvantaged youth groups, and offering tangible results by implementing results of public consultations through participatory public space co-making under Urban Action Lab.

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JORDAN ACTION LAB: Empowerment & Inclusion of Disadvantageous Communities via Participatory Public Space Renewal

Ready to kick-off project financed by the Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program aims at developing, introducing and disseminating in Jordan innovative e-tool and public consultation formulas in order to enable Tafilah municipality local authorities, CSOs and representatives of disadvantaged youth to engage in micro-scale participatory decision-making schemes, focusing on safety, accessibility and inclusiveness of public space.

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Ready to kick-off project financed by the Civil Society Forum aims to to identify challenges and opportunities in local water governance and management, conflicts and overlaps of competencies between institutions responsible for water management and local authorities, feasible formulas of cooperation among waters users, and to strengthen competencies, practical skills and engagement of local stakeholders involved in water management.

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BIKE & WINE: Re-inventing rural business in Moldova

Seeking change of traditional paradigms of rural management in Moldova, exploring and exploiting the true potential of the rural market for the benefit of rural communities, Bike & Wine project’s primary goal was to re-imagine rural business opportunities: production and promotion of regional products, construction of thematic (including culinary) cycling and walking touristic routes, as well as inclusion of the Călărași and Purcari regions residents in the active development of a local tourist offer.

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Social Slow Food: Sustainable Income Sources and Effective Social Integration of PwDs and Socially Vulnerable Groups of TEMI-Community

Project implemented with the aim of increasing economic stability of Temi, an assisted living community offering shelter to vulnerable social groups – people with disabilities, single mothers, neglected and disabled children by facilitating development of suitable for the institution social entrepreneurship model.

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Local Tastes of AAs: V4 For Short Food Chains and GIs in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

The project financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed to increase and diversify income of small-holders, micro-farmers and micro-producers in Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine through comprehensive technical, organizational and promotional assistance and support to processing, promotion and sales of local products, including obtaining certifications of community kitchens in Georgia and Moldova under the short food supply chain formula, in line with the provisions of AAs, EU acquis and V4 best practices in the field.

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SO EAS+Y: Genuine common space in Georgia – Interventions of young Polish architecture studios for inclusive culture

Young Polish architects, Georgian architecture students and representatives of marginalized groups jointly designed and built a pyramid – an object serving as an example of inclusive architecture. The center for excluded people in Gremi, Kakheti, Georgia – TEMI Community hosted architecture workshops ‘SO EAS+Y’, as a part of the project realized by Development Policy Foundation.

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CHIN Project Incubator: Support Centre for Rural Non-Governmental Organizations of Chin State, Myanmar

The UNDEF-supported project launched in March 2015 aimed to address the problems of insufficient competence and fundraising skills among Chin State’s Civil Society Organizations, lack of their institutional capacity and network as well as lack of experiences and opportunities for project management and implementation.

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Moldavian Culinary Routes – Registration and Promotion of Local and Regional Products from Câlârași District

Project financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland, within the framework of the Polish Aid programme, was launched in March 2015. Project aimed to encourage local producers from Câlârași District to register local and regional products, and by these means to preserve cultural heritage of Moldova, promote region and attract tourism.

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SO EAS+Y: Arch&Engeeniring Lab – Promotion of Polish creative businesses as providers of innovative solution for the Ukrainian public space

Modern, effective, energy saving and high efficiency solutions – in 2016 Development Policy Foundation sought to promote the most creative among Polish business solutions for public space in Ukraine. The multilateral initiative supported by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs was implemented in Nova Kakhovka in cooperation with Ukrainian partners.

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Design the change: revitalization of the neighbourhood common space in Hola Prystan

The synergetic projects – 'Design the change' and 'Citizen-monitoring in Hola Prystan: a boost for a tangible social engagement, V4 for Ukraine' were aimed at setting up and testing a workable instrument for monitoring of public opinion, carrying out public consultations with the aim to empower the local community of Hola Prystan, Kherson oblast, Ukraine, and its various segments, to influence decision-making processes and pursue local development agenda in public space management and improvement.

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Appreciating Pamir: Influence of NGOs on diversification of income sources in rural areas of Tajikistan

During their stay in the Iskashim region in Pamir, the experts of the Development Policy Foundation together with the local partner of the project – NGO Gulu Gyoh discussed alternative solutions of combating the extreme poverty in the region and related high migration rates: development of regional production and creating facilities for local tourism.

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FIXKAIROUAN TUN: Civil e-monitoring – A way to community empowerment using modern Internet tools

In frame of the project implemented in the city of Kairouan in Tunisia by Press Club Foundation and financed by polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of ‘Support for Democracy 2013’ programme a website based on Fix-my-street formula was created as an interactive map that allows the users to mark detected in your neighbourhood problems of public space that needed to be fixed – holes in the road, demolished buildings, garbage, etc.

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Compact Energy Efficiency Booster MD: The integrated biomass boiler and energy storage for Moldova

Modernizing Crocmaz Health Center: A Biomass Boiler for Sustainable and Affordable Energy for Rural Moldova

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